There are many parts to Hinduism. The history includes the Vedas, the Upanishads, the Puranas, etc. However, some main ideas are atman, brahman, and samsara. The atman is self, soul, it lives on when you die, and it can't be harmed. Brahman, though, is the source of everything, the eternal peace and joy, and it is the spirit in all things. Samsara is the cycle of reincarnation. I, personally, like the idea of reincarnation. You are able to live again and again, experiencing new and exciting lives. It's almost like living forever, but you can experience different lives and different bodies. Although in Hinduism they want Moksha, which is becoming enlightened and ending samsara, i don't think i would want to experience that. I'd be fine with just living different lives every time you die. Although these are rather difficult ideas to grasp, they are extremely important to Hinduism. Also important are the four goals of Hinduism. They are Moksha, dharma, Artha, and Kama. Moksha is enlightenment, dharma is your duties, Artha is power and success, and Arma is pleasure. If i had to choose one of the four goals of Hinduism, I'm not sure which one i would choose. I would probably choose Artha because power and success is the most appealing option. Success is a very fulfilling and satisfactory feeling, which usually leads to a good and happy life. I almost wish there was a success button that would give me success, power, and wealth with just one click.

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