Karma Yoga means doing your duty, whatever that may be, without worrying or being anxious about the results. It means doing your work wholeheartedly simply for the satisfaction of doing it. It means not worrying about getting a raise, or making money, but just doing work for the spiritual satisfaction. It means reaching Moksha, and releasing your atman to your brahman. You do the duty, for your religion and for your deities, instead of for the material rewards. If i did Karma Yoga, i wouldn't worry about getting good grades, making money, or getting a raise. I would simply be working and learning to do my duty and to help whoever i could in the process. I would do my best in school and i would help my parents with their work and with chores around the house. I wouldn't complain about the duty i needed to do. I would use up all my free time to accomplish my duties and therefore, i wouldn't watch TV or go on Facebook or use up my time with any other menial pleasure. I wouldn't spend time hanging out with friends or anything like that. Even if i became very successful and made lots of money, i wouldn't care about it because i wouldn't be doing work for the goal of being successful. I would help people and do whatever i could to help all people all around the world. I would do this for my god and for the spirits of the world. It wouldn't matter whether i got a material reward for it, as long as i had the satisfaction that i had done my duty.
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