Thursday, February 17, 2011
I now feel as though i have a very strong base understanding of Islam. When we watched the movie about the American girl converting to Islam and participating in the Hajj i could successfully follow along with what was going on and which of the 5 pillars were being done. It was very interesting to see Mecca, though, and how many millions of people were there. It seemed impossible that so many people were fitting in the small town of Mecca. As she went through the specific certain ceremonies necessary i become more and more entranced. Specifically when everyone thew stones at the 'devil', which are represented by pillars. I thought this was very unique and rather magical. However there are dangers to the actual people, for many people have died by being hit by stones and being trampled. Overall i thought it was amazing that this American Muslim girl was willing to go to Mecca with all of these other Muslims. She even had to get permission from her son, which i think is a little ridiculous. Again, the one thing i dont like about Islam is the gender segregation and sexism. However as she mentioned people didnt give her a hard time at all. All of the Muslims come together and become united as one big family in Mecca, which truly inspires me. Also in response to the government's attempts to re-construct Mecca i dont think it is at all a good idea. Basically, i think its a little ridiculous that the government wants to add all of this construction. It seems as though it is only for money, even if they won't admit it. The Hajj is about muslims coming together for an amazing experience in which they leave behind worldly things. Its not about the fancy construction, in fact that may be a distraction. I understand that they need to accommodate the millions of people going to Mecca, but i don't think they need to bring New York to Mecca. It doesn't need to be untraditional and fancy just for the money.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
As we continue to learn more about Islam i find myself becoming more and more interested by it and fascinated by the dedication required. The Five Pillars are a major part of the religion, and they require a person's utmost focus and concentration. They are the religious duties that every Muslim person must do. First is Shahadah, which is the belief tat there is not God but God, and Muhammad is his messenger. Then is Salat/Salah, which is a prayer than each Muslim must say 5 times a day. (they are spread throughout the day, and each person must face Mecca as they pray). Next is Zakat, which is alms, which means a person gives 2.5 percent of their wealth to charity. Next is Sawm, which is fasting from sunrise to sunset during Ramadan. Last is Hajj, which is the pilgrimage each Muslim must make to Mecca. From pictures Mecca seems to be very fascinating, for millions of muslims arrive there all inside the small city.

When we visited the Mosque it was intriguing to actually see Muslims doing the prayers we had studied. The only thing that bothers me about the religion is the segregation of women and men. When we were at the Mosque women had to sit in the back and men in the front. Other than this, i thought the dedication of all these people showing up and praying was amazing. I dont think i could find the dedication in myself to do that, simply out of laziness. However, i highly respect the people who do, and i truly hope it pays off for them in the afterlife.
Monday, February 7, 2011
Muhammed is a very interesting person, and i find him to be one of the most fascinating parts of Islam's history. He was an orphan and became a seeker and was dedicated to looking for religious answers. I think this original initiative is a promising one, for he wasn't just told what to believe but he went out and found it. Then during the Mecca period he believed in God's words and orders however he was still seen as questioning the entire belief and religion of Mecca. He believed in being loyal to people, which is something i completely agree with and can understand. I cannot follow one religion completely without question
ing all parts of it. I also like the symbolic places of Mecca and Medina. Mecca is a commercial society, which has a loss of traditional values and religious beliefs. I like that Mecca is changing with the religion and is becoming more modern. I also think it's interesting that these two places are so important to this religion. Another aspect of Islam, which i think particularly impressive is their devotion to one God. They are able to focus all their devotion and dedicate their whole lives to one God. Every action they do and every thought they have is connected with this God. The idea of the Final Judgement Day is a particularly disturbing one. I don't like the idea of seeing all of my mistakes once i die. I believe the past is in the past and people move on from things and should not have to relive all of their regrets. However, i do think people should be judged and should go to Heaven or Hell depending on how they lived their life. Also if people believe this hopefully they will act better and be an overall person. The Qu'ran is also very interesting, which is the major text of Islam. It is translated many different ways, but the true Qu'ran is only in one language. Overall, i like Islam although there are some aspects i don't agree with. However, that seems to hold true with almost every religion we study.

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