Muhammed is a very interesting person, and i find him to be one of the most fascinating parts of Islam's history. He was an orphan and became a seeker and was dedicated to looking for religious answers. I think this original initiative is a promising one, for he wasn't just told what to believe but he went out and found it. Then during the Mecca period he believed in God's words and orders however he was still seen as questioning the entire belief and religion of Mecca. He believed in being loyal to people, which is something i completely agree with and can understand. I cannot follow one religion completely without question
ing all parts of it. I also like the symbolic places of Mecca and Medina. Mecca is a commercial society, which has a loss of traditional values and religious beliefs. I like that Mecca is changing with the religion and is becoming more modern. I also think it's interesting that these two places are so important to this religion. Another aspect of Islam, which i think particularly impressive is their devotion to one God. They are able to focus all their devotion and dedicate their whole lives to one God. Every action they do and every thought they have is connected with this God. The idea of the Final Judgement Day is a particularly disturbing one. I don't like the idea of seeing all of my mistakes once i die. I believe the past is in the past and people move on from things and should not have to relive all of their regrets. However, i do think people should be judged and should go to Heaven or Hell depending on how they lived their life. Also if people believe this hopefully they will act better and be an overall person. The Qu'ran is also very interesting, which is the major text of Islam. It is translated many different ways, but the true Qu'ran is only in one language. Overall, i like Islam although there are some aspects i don't agree with. However, that seems to hold true with almost every religion we study.

Is there a theme of some sort to your likes and dislikes (in Islam and other religions)? Are there some kinds of religious behaviors or beliefs that you react positively or negatively to? Think about it. You've got good observations here, but I'd be interested to hear you tie them together. What can you learn about your own religious beliefs, and what's important to you, from studying other religions?