As we continue to learn more about Islam i find myself becoming more and more interested by it and fascinated by the dedication required. The Five Pillars are a major part of the religion, and they require a person's utmost focus and concentration. They are the religious duties that every Muslim person must do. First is Shahadah, which is the belief tat there is not God but God, and Muhammad is his messenger. Then is Salat/Salah, which is a prayer than each Muslim must say 5 times a day. (they are spread throughout the day, and each person must face Mecca as they pray). Next is Zakat, which is alms, which means a person gives 2.5 percent of their wealth to charity. Next is Sawm, which is fasting from sunrise to sunset during Ramadan. Last is Hajj, which is the pilgrimage each Muslim must make to Mecca. From pictures Mecca seems to be very fascinating, for millions of muslims arrive there all inside the small city.

When we visited the Mosque it was intriguing to actually see Muslims doing the prayers we had studied. The only thing that bothers me about the religion is the segregation of women and men. When we were at the Mosque women had to sit in the back and men in the front. Other than this, i thought the dedication of all these people showing up and praying was amazing. I dont think i could find the dedication in myself to do that, simply out of laziness. However, i highly respect the people who do, and i truly hope it pays off for them in the afterlife.
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